Single Prong vs Double Prong Lifting Belt: Which Is Better?
A lifting belt is a piece of equipment that many weightlifters and powerlifters use to help support the lower back and spine during lifts. Many lifters and weightlifters are faced with the decision of whether to buy a single prong or double prong lifting belt. It's important to understand the difference between the two styles, so you can make an informed decision on which is right for your own needs.
So single prong vs double prong lifting belts, which is better? Single prong belts are better because they are less expensive and easier to undo than double prongs. Double prongs offer more support for your back and an extra level of safety when compared to single prongs. The extra prong is not necessary if the belt is of high quality.
In this article, we will break down the difference between single prongs vs double prongs, discuss their pros and cons, and give a verdict on which type is better overall.
Difference Between Single And Double Prong Lifting Belts
The prongs in the belt buckle refers to the pin that goes through the holes available. A single prong has one pin whereas a double prong has two. The double prong belts normally have one pin on top of the other.
Pros And Cons Of Single Prong
Pros of Single Prong
Single prongs are more comfortable to wear
The reason why single prongs may be somewhat more comfortable to wear is that the belt itself has more capacity to flare upwards or downwards and contour around your torso.
More affordable than double prong belts
Due to being made with less material normally metal and it requires less in terms of construction by the manufacturers, the lower cost will be passed down to you at a cheaper price.
Easier to undo the belt with less hardware on the buckle
Having one less prong in the belt buckle means one less step to putting on your lifting belt. This is particularly advantageous if you are a competitive strength athlete and you need to put your belt on as soon as possible. Having to fiddle about with an extra prong can distract you from your focus on the lift execution for performance.
Cons Of Single Prong
A lot of stress going through one prong
There will be a lot of stress going through one prong especially if you have it a lot tighter. Single prongs are going to be less robust with tapered Olympic weightlifting style belts. You would not want a single prong for Olympic weightlifters.
Pros And Cons Of Double Prong
Pros of Double Prong
Double prongs are more secure to wear
Double prongs are going to offer more support, especially if it’s for Olympic weightlifting style belts since they are tapered.
Double prongs belts will last longer
As the stress goes through two prongs instead of one, it is going to last a lot longer. Having two prongs, it reduces the chances that a single prong will break apart.
Gives more confidence in security
Having an extra prong gives lifters an extra sense of security during the process of putting a belt on for lifting. This sense of security can give you some more confidence in the bracing process to get tight for lifting heavyweights.
Cons Of Double Prong
Takes longer to put on and take off
Having an extra prong will add another step to the process of putting the belt on. This will elongate the process especially if you are looking to get the belt on really tight. It is also harder to put on the subsequent second prong after the first if you are trying to get the belt on really tight. This is more relevant to powerlifting belts if you are trying to twist the belt up and down to get the second prong in. If you had the belt on super tight, it may also be incredibly difficult to take off and cause a lot of discomforts.
Double prongs are more expensive
With the extra prong, they are more expensive but it may not actually add any necessary security to the belt given that for well-made belts, a single prong will last virtually forever. This is particularly more relevant for powerlifting belts. So in terms of value for money, it’s less than a single prong belt.
Why Are Single Prong Belts Better Than Double Prong Belts
Most powerlifters would agree that single-prong belts are more than enough to maximise security on a belt especially if they are made by a good well-known branded manufacturer. The second prong seems to be more of a liability than an asset in the whole process of putting a belt on for lifting.
A good example of a premium well-made powerlifting belt is the Pioneer Cut Powerlifting Belt leather version. The edges are beveled so they don't dig in during deadlifts and they have the exclusive Pioneer Cut system, which provides offset holes that allow 0.5” adjustment.
Which Belt Should You Buy For Your Needs
It is important that you know how to choose a belt that suits your needs. Here is a quick guide to choosing a good lifting belt for your body type or purpose.
If you're short or have a thin waistline, a thinner and narrower single prong may be better for you.
We recommend the Pioneer Cut Powerlifting Belt suede version with a 3 inch width and 10mm thickness.
If you're tall or have a larger waistline, a thicker and wider single prong may be better for you.
We recommend the Pioneer Cut Powerlifting Belt suede version with a 4 inch width and 13mm thickness.
Most powerlifters will get away with using a single-prong lifting belt as even high-level heavy weight powerlifters seem to use single-prong lifting belts. Choosing a quality belt will often be made with quality material and last a lifetime.